Saturday, May 10, 2014

Caspie turns four

Three days of celebrating was just enough to mark Caspar's fourth birthday.

Wednesday, 7th
Mummy brought a cake to kinda and Caspie sat in the birthday chair and was sung to.

The mushroom cake

Waiting patiently for the festivities to begin

Caspie in the birthday chair

Putting on the birthday hat

Let's try this cake

Thursday 8th
The actual birthday has arrived!

Romy looks on as Caspie opens his presents

A robot-wrapped present from Arma

I wonder what's inside

It's a piano accordion!

"Lady of Spain, I adore you"

Romy likes the alpaca from Ma B

Tent from Mummy & Daddy

Texting - "Did you know it's my birthday?"

Romy looks on as Caspie spies his second birthday cake

"Think I'll bring it a bit closer"

"Don't cough on the cake, Caspie!"

Saturday 10th - the birthday party
Eddie, the mobile pizza man brought his oven to Hil's garden.

The ukulele cake - brilliant Mummy!

"Let's get the party started!"

A guest arrives

Arpa mans the pizza oven

The cake ... now with added candles

Caspie prepares to blow out the candles ... 

... but Arthur is keen too

The race is on!

The cake is soooo yummy!

Once again, Romy looks on wistfully

Everyone had a great day and went home carbed and sugured up.